Tekla User Day Denmark coming up - see the agenda!

Tekla User Days will be arranged in Copenhagen on January 19th 2023 and we have an agenda that we think you will enjoy!

Topics and content

We will show you lots of exciting things in Tekla and dive into challenges that the industry faces these days with respect to digital fabrication as well as new ways to use the data on the construction sites!

We will showcase some project examples and hear a few guests talk about their experience:

  • A guest speaker from Trimble will join the meeting and share exciting things about Tekla news and best practice!

  • Artelia (previously Moe A/S) and Aarsleff will share some experience from their projects!

  • The BuildingPoint team will showcase Tekla Tips & Tricks, best practive digital collaboration and more…

After the conference we are inviting all participants to drinks and light food in a mingle-friendly format!

See the full agenda and register here:




Thank you for attending Tekla User Day Norway 2022!


VTO Brickwork Support System - a Tekla Custom Component