Betongindustridagen 2021
Betongindistridagen 2021 (The Concrete Industry Day) will be arranged as an online event on 28 January, with subsequent seminars in February and March. The main meeting on 28 January is about innovation, development, architecture in the new Government Quarter, the market ahead and how to be a leader in times of distance.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
12:00 PM 3:30 PM
The main meeting runs from 12:00 to about 15:30, and ends with a debate on market, communication and business policy. Normally, this event would feature exhibitions and many social happenings which are difficult to carry out in the online format, naturally. Therefore, the focus will be on a main meeting with some key topics, with the main focus on what one - as an industry - do to create competitiveness through change. The subsequent seminars are spread over February and March, where each of them lasts 2-3 hours.
In 2020, there were 270 participants in the main meeting, and we hope for even more participants this year! The program for the meeting on 28 January and the seminars cover many current topics for the concrete element manufacturers, contractors and the supplier industry.
We look forward to meeting you at the industry's most important gathering in 2021, here you will meet everyone on the web. Free participation for everyone.