IMAGE: Rambøll presentation at Dansk Ståldag 2023: The data model workflow used in The Crown Bridge project in Helsinki.
Let’s meet at the Danish Steel Day!
Danish Steel Day is an annual event where customers, competitors, builders, architects, engineers and suppliers in the the industry meet up to showcase new methods, projects, tools, and discuss the drivers and challenges in the industry - and how to deal with it efficiently together!
IMAGE: The Tekla model and drawings for an assembly: 90% Automated with the process used in the project. All views, marks and template created automatically.
To showcase advanced BIM in practice we have invited Rambøll to share an exciting project from Finland, and their presentation is titled:
Holistic Computational Design for Fabrication of a Large-Scale Bridge!
Rambøll presentation:
Holistic computational design for fabrication of a large-scale bridge
IMAGE: Fully detailed model (LOD400/500) in Tekla.
Rambøll’s Augustin Ceillier will give a presentation of the Crown Bridge project in Helsinki. With a total length of 1,200 metres and main spans of 260 metres it will be Finland's longest bridge in both dimensions.
The design is a collaborative Rambøll effort comprising best experts from different countries.With a total length of 1,200 metres and main spans of 260 metres it will be Finland's longest bridge in both dimensions. Rambøll’s client is Client TYL Kruunusillat (consortium by KREATE/YIT)
The presentation will cover important aspects of the project, like collaboration across diciplines, design and calculateion automation, data organisation and give an overview of how the team has used several software systems together to design the bridge and create basis for fabrication in this large project!