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EBOOK: Guide til digital utsetting for små og mellomstore entreprenører
EBOOK: “Guide til teknologi for digital utsetting for små og mellomstore entreprenører” (Norwegian)

E-BOOK: Path To Prefab - Strategies for Scaling & OptimizingPrefabrication Services
Read this ebook to learn how some of the industry’s biggest players—established and fresh alike—are using prefabrication methods and technologies to transform business models, disrupt markets, and out-data the competition.

E-BOOK: How to succeed in precast detailing - every time!
Detailing is often seen as simply creating drawings for production. However, with the right tools, detailing becomes a tightly linked part of the process. You, as a detailer, can eliminate expensive errors, while keeping your focus on the fluent drawing delivery. What’s more, at the same time, you can produce accurate information, which can benefit the entire workflow for better profitability…

E-BOOK: How to Stay Competitive in Precast Sales
In the sales phase, it’s sink or swim: you’ve got one shot to prove to a potential client that precast concrete - and your precast concept in particular - is the best choice. Here’s how, with the right tools, you can win more bids, improve profitability and optimize your entire workflow.