WEBINAR: Model-based Cost Calculation with Vico Office
Do we have everything with us in the calculation? How do all PMs affect our cost calculation?
These are questions that are often asked and they are difficult to answer. A big reason for this is that we work in “information islands” in our traditional calculation process. This means that there is no technical connection between, e.g. the quantity reduction and the cost calculation, where we often manually type in quantities from an excel file into a calculation program.
There is a great risk that something goes wrong in that process and that we miss important parts that should be included in, for example, the tender.
With the help of the integrated workflow in Vico Office (available from BuildingPoint in Sweden only) you can avoid these types of issues, where you have traceability through documents, quantities and cost calculations.
In this webinar, you will get insight into what that work process looks like, with emphasis on the cost calculation.
Time and date
Date: 24 February 2022
Time: 13: 00-13: 30
Background and Challenges
Overall Concept Review
Model-based Calculation in Vico Office
Question time