Filtering by: “BuildingPoint Event”

Afternoon event at Lemvigh-Müller: REBAR DETAILING - How to succeed with 3D BIM in reinforced concrete projects

Afternoon event at Lemvigh-Müller: REBAR DETAILING - How to succeed with 3D BIM in reinforced concrete projects

Join us for an afternoon dedicated to understanding the benefits of 3D BIM for rebar detailing in reinforced concrete projects and learning from others across the supply chain in the industry – rounded off with a social event with snacks/light food & drinks!

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Norwegian Steel Association Theme Night: Efficient Joint Design and Metal 3D Printing

Norwegian Steel Association Theme Night: Efficient Joint Design and Metal 3D Printing

At this event hosted by BuildingPoint Scandinavia / EDRMedeso, you will see a presentation of how IDEA StatiCa (FEM analysis and code tools) can be used for efficient design and dimensioning of steel joints.

Additionally, there will be a presentation on the latest developments in industrial 3D printing of metals (additive manufacturing), including updates from the Formnext trade fair in Frankfurt!

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