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Norwegian Steel Day 2021
BuildingPoint Scandinavia participates on the Norwegian Steel Day / Norsk Ståldag - come and meet us at our stand! We will bring along lots of exciting technology, and you may be able to test the X7 3D scanner with T-100 tablet.

Danish Steel Day 2021
BuildingPoint-Scandinavia participates on the Danish Steel Day / Dansk Ståldag - come and meet us at our stand!
This is where all players in the industry meet. It is a must for anyone who has anything to do with steel. Meet colleagues, customers, competitors, builders, architects, engineers and suppliers like us.

New Training Course: Tekla Structures - Bridge Creator Training
BuildingPoint is very excited to announce our new training course: Tekla Structures - Bridge Creator Training! This training class provides the knowledge needed to use the application Bridge Creator in Tekla Structures for modelling of bridge structures. We will give you a thorough and practical introduction to the basic functionality used in a typical model-based workflow. This includes all steps from model startup to model creation.

BIBM Congress 2021 in Copenhagen
Every three years the congress of the Federation for the European Precast Concrete Industry (BIBM – Bureau International du Béton Manufacturé) is held at a different European country. The venue of the BIBM Congress 2021 will be Tivoli Congress Center and is expecting to host around 70 exhibitors, 650 participants from over 43 nations and to have about 40 speakers. Marcin Ciesielski, Structural Engineer at BuildingPoint Scaninavia will speaker during the congress. The time slot will be announced in the program.

Take your company to the next level by using AI
Learn about how AI can be used to drive innovation in the construction industry, how to plan for getting started and what specific risks you should be aware of. Get inspiration, tips and tricks from experts and industry colleagues who already started, and build a network of like minded leaders

Tekla BIM Awards 2021
BuildingPoint Scandinavia organizes Tekla BIM Awards in Scandinavia during spring 2021 followed by a Global competition in 2022. Last year it was a one of the Norwegian projects that WON the global competition...this year it could be YOUR project

Training Courses this autumn
A customer asked us the other day: “Are you still arranging training courses?” Well, OF COURSE we are! Like everyone else we have to take the on-going Covid-19 pandemic into account and right now that means that it makes most sense to arrange online training courses…

Norsk Offshoredag 2020
Norsk Offshoredag / Norwegian Offshore Day has been arranged annually since 2002 and is being held for the 19th time this year. BuildingPoint Scandinavia has been heavily present in the Offshore industry for decades - meet us there!

AR and VR at buildingSMART
See this webinar about Mixed Reality, AR and VR: “Open standards and the virutal reality. How will the building and construction industry look in the future wearing AR, VR og MR goggles?" Øyvind Svaland from Veidekke, Øystein Ulvestad fra Sweco and Fredrik Holm from Asplan Viak will give the presentation.

“Merging Digital Models with the Real World”
For those of you who missed the BuildingPoint Scandinavia’s Launch WEBINAR to see how industry leaders and important stakeholders are making the transition TODAY - here is the recording!

Launch Webinar: BuildingPoint Scandinavia
Join BuildingPoint Scandinavia’s Launch WEBINAR to see how industry leaders and important stakeholders are making the transition TODAY!