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Short documentary: Robotics in mining, how to get return on investment?
VIDEO DOCUMENTARY: Robot dog Spot from Boston Dynamics is used by Norwegian contractor LNS to make mining safer, more efficient and sustainable. See the film to learn HOW!
This short video documentary/report dives in to the ROI aspect of this Spot project - both in terms of cost savings and financial aspects, but also other, less quantifiable values realised through this project.

Spot making arctic mining safer and more efficient for LNS - First field trials completed!
In Tana, way up north in Norway, almost as far north as you can get in Europe, it is common to see the Northern Lights. That green dancing light on the dark winter sky draws looks even from the locals, and particularly from visitors not used to the phenomenon.
Now, however, there is another possible explanation for the lights you see up in the mountains… It might also be Spot at work for LNS in an open pit mine in Tana!

Spot Increasing Safety in Arctic Mining
As a contractor in mining and tunneling, maintaining safe operations is the no. 1 priority for LNS. However, increasing safety requirements puts business pressure on LNS, but it can also be an opportunity to innovate. Read about how Spot - the robot dog - will help LNS increase safety and productivity.

Norconsult looks to robotization to improve flow of data from the construction site
Norconsult AS and BuildingPoint Scandinavia took robot dog Spot to 4 different construction sites to see how it performs in difficult terrain, confined spaces and conditions that might be hazardous for people! Watch the video interview with Norconsult's Thomas Angeltveit to learn more!

Spot makes Tunnel Scanning safer and more efficient for Veidekke
Norway’s tunneling tradition goes back as early as 1879. However, technology has come a long way since the 19th century, and robot dog Spot is one of the most advanced and anticipated technologies to become available to improve how we do things. BuildingPoint joined Veidekke and the project team in charge of scanning and other tasks at the UDK 01 site for the Vestfoldbanen/Drammen-Kobbervikdalen – a railway tunnel project for Bane NOR to put Spot to the test!

Spot visiting Norway - gaining high interest!
Boston Dynamic’s robot dog Spot has been in Norway for a few weeks gaining a lot of attention and interest during the Trimble User Days in Oslo, and during customer visits…

Spot is here... but why?
The robot dog Spot generates enthusiasm and ambitious ideas about the future and now the wait is over, Spot is here! It's time to discuss what kind of value this technology can unlock (unleash!) for the Construction Industry!

Trimble User Day 2022 in Oslo
Join SVV, Bane NOR, Rambøll, COWI, Skanska, Hæhre Entrepenør and others at Trimble User Days! The event is organized by Trimble Norway and BuildingPoint to bring consultants, contractors, suppliers and builders together for agenda-packed days where we share knowledge across disciplines and organizations!

“Spot” - An Autonomous Robot in Construction
Trimble and Boston Dynamics have announced a strategic alliance to integrate a variety of construction data collection technologies with Boston Dynamics' Spot® robot platform.