Season Greetings from BuildingPoint Scandinavia

Having more than two decades behind us as a supplier of BIM software to the construction industry we must admit that not every year stands out clearly in our memories. However, 2022 will most likely be remembered by many of us!

As engineers we are enticed by new technology and unless you are completely unfamiliar with BuildingPoint you have most likely noticed that the robot dog, Spot, finally arrived to Scandinavia!

The reasons for the enthusiasm about Spot vary. Some see tremendous potential in robotics in general and view Spot as symbol of the future, while others (this company, and this company) have a clear plan for how this technology can add value in the short term, which is why they made investements robotics in 2022. And then there are others who simply meet their first robot and react emotionally! Regardless, Spot has helped make 2022 a year to remember!

Important steps

This year we also took some important steps towards contributing to a sustainable future. As a supplier to an industry that contributes quite significantly to carbon emissions, while also playing an important role in creating good societies, we found that we needed to refocus our ambitions and clarify exactly what we can do to make a change. Based on UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals we have defined our role and concrete actions to follow up on this. This will be reflected in our product portfolio, services, and behavior.


Our customers in focus in 2022!

SLIDESHOW: Pictures from various customer meetings, interviews, demo days, video shoots etc, in Norway and Denmark during 2022! Thank you to everyone who shared thoughts about challenges and solutions, insight and inspiring stories from our industry!


2022 was also a great year in other respects and we delivered a wide range of BIM solutions and field technology to help the industry “merge the digital and real world”. Although we would love to point out specific moments and specific customers, we will keep this short and simply offer a HUGE thank you to all our customers who have trusted us their supplier – either for the first time, or as long-term customers since way back.

We also want to take the opportunity to thank all customers who contributed to industry insight and feedback in our video interviews / blog artices! We sincerely appreciate the willingness to share insight and inspiring stories!

Finally, we would like to express gratitude for the collaboration and efforts from our vendors/partners and of course our own BuildingPoint colleagues!


We wish you all a merry Christmas and a fantastic new year!




Digital Construction in practice - Danske Bank Headquarters


The Connected Construction Podcast: Interview with Gjermund Dahl