FREE Training Session (recorded): Take Control of Trimble Connect
Take Control of Trimble Connect
Trimble Connect’s popularity is increasing rapidly and the number of users are growing fast!
According to many of our customers the biggest challenge with the very popular Trimble Connect right now is to ensure that people can access the right data at the right time, based on their individual needs. BuildingPoint Scandinavia will set up a training program to address this!
This 2 hour FREE training session is the first in our upcoming training offering for Trimble Connect. This course is aimed at the person who will administrate and distribute the data in Trimble Connect!
Recorded FREE sessions:
Norwegian and Swedish
What’s the challenge?
A construction project involves BIM models for steel, concrete and rebar detailing, architectual design, HVAC, electric and so on. You can export IFC files that carry all the data needed on the construction site, or in fabrication, to carry out the work without the need for a paper drawing. Trimble Connect, the cloud based Collaboration platform from Trimble, can distribute IFC models and drawings from Tekla, Revit and other BIM tools are easily in order to give participants across the project, from planning and engineering, through fabrication to construction site access to up-to-date models and other data.
However, users of Trimble Connect frequently report back to us that it is difficult to find and work with subsets of the data to ensure that they aren’t overwhelmed with all the data available. What if you just need to see the rebars, and not windows, plumbing etc, and the Trimble Connect model is not set up to do that easily? Sounds familiar?
Goal for the Training Session
This training course is aimed at enabling you to administrate and set up the data model in Trimble Connect such that:
The designer can focus on creating and deliver design data
That the contrators and fabricators can access and filter data on the construction site or factory, to easily access exactly what each person need at the right time!
By setting up the model in a good WBS / Work Breakdown Structure (or PNS, prosjektnedbrytningsstruktur or “digitale arbeidspakker”) correctly in Trimble Connect, anyone who access the data downstream should be able to filter the data and view exactly what they need without additional data clouding the picture!
This is necessary for basic viewing of the 3D model in Trimble Connect, but also very important for AR applications like Trimble Connect AR, XR10 with Hololens, and even Trimble FieldLink which is used for scanning, Total Stations etc.
What exactly will you learn?
You will learn how to break down a typical IFC model into packages that can be accessed easily by various people. For example, if you only want to see rebar geometry for one section of the structure, that is easy to set up!
That way the engineer and the contractor can cooperate on the construction process, find errors and increaes efficiency without having to fiddle about in Trimble Connect, since it has been set up properly for everyone!
Who is this training session for?
We expect that the course participants have experience with BIM and construction projects, either from the engineering consultant or contractor side.
Whether you use Tekla or Revit or other tools is NOT important as Trimble Connect use IFC files and does not care where the file came from.
Your role is probably:
BIM Coordinator
Project Controller
VDC Coordinator
Project Manager or Coordinator
…but anyone who wants to learn how to organize a Trimble Connect model properly can particpate!
Agenda (2 hours)
Quick basics summary: How does Trimble Connect work?
User Administration:
Assigning users, how do users log on etc.
Roles - who does what?
Trimble Connect Best Practice
Model administration
Understanding and using Property Sets
How to organize a model into work packs / “arbeidspakker”
Feedback from the construction site through Trimble Connect
Example case:
A Cast-in-place concrete structure (but we will keep it general so the process is just as well valid for Steel, Precast Concrete, HVAC etc)

Get help with YOUR project!
This 2 hours session will give you a great introduction on how to set up Trimble Connect for your project, but we will not address individual project needs, naturally... Consider booking us for a one-to-one session with YOUR project team: Read more about how we can help >