Thank you for attending Tekla User Day 2024!

VIDEO: Here’s a short ‘Thank You’ video from the BuildingPoint Scandinavia team!


Tekla User Day 2024 was held in Norway and Denmark by BuildingPoint Scandinavia this May! We hope everyone who attended had a fantastic time, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2025!

This year, we hosted two events: the first in Oslo and the second in Copenhagen. Both events featured user presentations, tips & tricks sessions from our team, and of course guest speakers from some of our partners.


However, Tekla User Days aren't just about presentations. They're also about networking and social interaction with fellow Tekla users. We hope you left feeling energized and inspired!

What’s next?

We will send out a survey to all participants to gather feedback on what was great and what can be improved. Planning for Tekla User Days 2025 is already underway, and we appreciate everyone who takes the time to provide their insights!

On behalf of the BuildingPoint Scandinavia team:

Thank you for coming! We sincerely appreciated meeting everyone.


Special thanks to

A special thank you goes to our customers, and partners who gave a presentation during the two events!


Pictures from the events!




IDEA Statica case study with Rambøll - “The Twist”, Kistefos museum


FREE Training: Getting started with IDEA StatiCa in less than 1 hour!